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In an earlier blog, we learned about How it All Began in both the physical and spiritual realms. We looked at the very beginning of the first verse in Genesis. Today, we will take a moment to learn about the first recorded action verb, also in Genesis, and it's significance in our lives - both in the physical and spiritual world.
Our English word "created"
means to cause to come into being, as something unique
that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.

The Hebrew word for created, Bara,
means: choose, create,
make fat (2)

So, what have you envisioned and caused to come into being through a creative process? A room designed to look and feel exactly the way you wanted? A garden with fragrances that bring delight? A deck where you entertain guests? A business? Would you agree that it required time, effort and money before it shifted from being a dream to being a reality?
What would you like to create or further shape and "make fat"? These things will require forethought, effort and will cost you something since they will not "naturally evolve" or come about on their own. What steps can you take to start creating today?
Digging Deeper
While we have the ability to create many things on our own, we can only do so from resources that already exist (for example, the wood or boards that are needed to build the deck). But what happens when we've "got nothing?" No time, no energy, no physical materials and no money to shape that vision into reality.
As we've discovered, spiritual concepts are very different from how we usually look at life. In our physical world, we usually look at the word "created" as an action verb. However, the pictographic meaning below gives us even greater insight.
Pictographic meaning of the Ancient Hebrew: בָּרָא

See how the definition for the letter aleph and the word aulph tie together? A Master or Lord is a strong powerful leader.
So, the pictorial meaning of "created" is quite possibly
"Son of God" 6

When or where have you said, "That's it! I got nothing! I don't see how this is going to happen?"
Maybe you don't see how you're going to turn a relationship around or if you'll ever be free from an addiction. Maybe you wonder how you're going to get out of debt or if you will ever have a child. Maybe you're lonely or question if you'll ever regain your health. Or maybe you have another desire that just isn't working out. In order to work through the struggle of not having what you need to turn a dream into a reality, you can choose to accept and apply the spiritual meaning of "create" to your life. Ask Jesus, the"Son of God," to create something new in you - even "something from nothing." He paid a great price to do so but it is His free gift to and for you. Surrender to Him and allow Him to create something from nothing - something that is far better than anything you ever imagined.

If you'd like to know more about how to receive this free gift, please contact me at Eden Tree Life Coaching. I would be honored share more good news with you. The conversation is a free gift from me to you.
You may wonder, "How Can I Know this is true?" - that Jesus is God and that He'll make something from my nothing? Click here to learn more!
(2) Strongs TalkingGreek Hebrew Dictionary. Hebrew Strongs #1254